Groceries and Shopping
About one mile north of Wailau Bay View are a Safeway, Long's Drugs (CVS), and Papaya Natural Foods. Safeway and Longs Drugs carry most items you can purchase on the mainland.

Longs Drugs is a large new pharmacy just north of the Coconut Marketplace. Longs Drugs is associated with CVS and accepts CVS membership cards. They have some groceries and a large selection of liquor.

Island Country Markets is within walking distance at the Coconut Marketplace. Island Country Markets has many groceries, a cafe, coffee bar, gelato bar and a full alcohol section. It is a new ABC concept store.

Just north of the Safeway complex on the left hand side of Kuhio highway is a health food store called Papaya's Natural Foods and Cafe. They have a great selection even if you don't often eat health food. For more information check out their web site: PapayasNaturalFoods.com.
Walmart and Costco stores are about 15 minutes away in Lihue. In a pinch, the Shell station next to Wailua Bay View stocks some basic groceries and alcohol.